
Sample Topic Sentences and Thesis Statements
from The Alchemist Timed Write Essay

Instruction: In a well-developed, well-organized multi-paragraph essay, analyze two pivotal decisions made by Santiago.   Choose two key decisions and examine the significance of these choices, especially in terms of his motivations, and the importance of these decisions on boy’s journey.

Thesis: Santiago’s decisions to leave Spain for Africa and later leave Fatima for the desert reveal his desire to find his Personal Legend despite his fears of the unknown.

TS: Santiago’s decision to leave from Spain and journey to Africa symbolizes the first threshold he must pass to begin his journey despite his fears, find his Personal Legend, and discover his inner strength.

TS: Santiago’s later decision to leave Fatima and continue his journey into the desert with the alchemist reflects his desire to conquer his fears and trust in his love so that he can find his Personal Legend.

Sample Topic Sentences and Thesis Statements
from The Alchemist Timed Write Essay

Instruction: In a well-developed, well-organized multi-paragraph essay, analyze two moments in the novel where "coincidence" or omens play an important role in guiding Santiago. Choose two coincidences and/or omens and examine the significance of boy’s interpretation of these signs and the importance of these decisions on boy’s journey.

Thesis: The two omens of his dream of the pyramids and the hawks in the sky demonstrate Santiago’s willingness to believe in his Personal Legend and make difficult choices that require faith and bravery.

TS: The omen of Santiago’s first dream reveals his faith and openness to interpreting and seeing it as a sign for his future, which eventually pushes him across the threshold to begin his journey.

TS: Santiago’s willingness to recognize the omen of the two hawks in the sky, even though the image is scary and undesired, signifies how it sometimes takes...