Level 3 Diploma Health and Social Care

Unit 5 – Principles of Safeguarding and protection in Health and social care

1. Define the Following Types of Abuse.

1. Physical Abuse: The threat to use or inflict force which results in pain or injury or change in a persons physical health or the non accidental physical force that results in bodily injury, pain or impairment.

2. Sexual Abuse: The forcing of Sexual activity by one person on another by threats or coercion. Unwanted advances, Indecent exposure and harassment.

3. Emotional/Psychological Abuse:   The wilful infliction of mental suffering on others. Intimidation and blaming.

4. Financial Abuse: Unauthorised, fraudulently obtaining and improper use of funds and property or withholding or restricting access to the financial resources of a vulnerable person.

5. Institutional Abuse:   This is the mistreatment or abuse of a vulnerable person by regime or an individual within an institution. Acts of poor or inadequate care, neglect or professional practice and someone who is not treat as an individual.

6. Self Neglect:   Is a behavioural condition in which an individual neglects to attend to there basic needs.

7. Neglect by others:   Failure to give proper care and required attention whether deliberate, inadvertent or negligent.

1. Identify the signs and symptoms associated with each type of abuse.

1. Signs of Physical Abuse: Unexplained bruising, abrasions, sprains, dislocation, bone fractures. Burns from cigarette, appliances or scalds, Signs of leg or wrist restraints, Hair or teeth lost. Cringing or flinching if touched, reluctance to remove clothing. Frequent injuries excused as accidents.

2. Symptoms of Physical Abuse: Changes in personality or behaviour patterns passive/aggressive/ depressed /withdrawn. Denial, Low self worth, compliance, increased fear, anxiety and isolation, suicidal ideation, weight loss.

3. Sexual Abuse Signs:   Unexplained changes in personality or behaviour. Pain,...