D1 Essay
Criteria: To evaluate your communication skills with children.
In this essay I will evaluate my communication skills within placement settings realising the positives and where there is room for improvement.
I think my communication with children in both placement 1 and 2 has been very successful. By practising what I have learnt in Positive Relationships I have learnt to communicate in an effective way. By getting down to eye level I have realised that it leads to more effective communication as I can hear the children more clearly. When playing children’s games I use excited body movements and facial gestures. With the elder children in placement 1 I would not touch the children and would keep a small distance while in my 2nd placement in a nursery I am encouraged to give the children hugs, hold hands with them, pat them on the back and more, some early years settings do not accept touching children in this way. “At age five your child will still be keen on cuddles, tickles and hugs. They'll probably light up with pleasure if you wink, pat them on the shoulder, ruffle their hair or give them a thumbs-up sign. The rituals of saying goodbye at school can be important - a wave as they go in or through the classroom window shows you have them in mind.” (BBC, 2004)
My communication skills within placement help to form positive relationships with others. The child will also learn to respect you and to respond positively to guidance about how they behave.
Verbally I have learnt about the tone of voice within different situations to reflect what is going on at the time; If I was telling a child how to do an activity I would use the different voice to if I was playing pass with a child as they are two different situations. I try to encourage children to communicate as much as possible by asking questions that need more than a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer.
Although I know I can communicate affectively within the childcare setting I know there is...