Level 5 502 Promote Professional Development


Professional development is a continuous process where knowledge, understanding and skills are being constantly updated and improved to meet the ever changing needs of the service user and the changes in social care legislation.
It is important for managers and staff to realise that even though they may have a professional qualification that doesn’t mean that their learning is finished.   Our service users have a high expectation of the care and support that they receive and this can only be achieved if the team as a whole are aware of new guidelines and changes that affect the way care is delivered and the involvement that each individual needs to have in their care planning.
Leitch(2006) identified the imperative for the UK workforce to develop world class skills in order to compete with the world market.   This would be best achieved by government, employers and individuals all working together and sharing responsibility to ensure that those entering the workforce gain appropriate skills, as well as those already in the workforce updating their skills.
The social care sector is governed by legislation, research and inquiry findings as well as government policies, initiatives and guidance, as the Manager I am responsible for ensuring that we are up to date with all changes that affect service delivery and ensuring that this is passed on to the staff team in formats that are clear and effective and that they understand the reasons for any changes to policies and working practices.
The manager also needs to be able to implement the changes to workplace policies and practices to enable them to remain compliant with legislation and to implement best practice initiatives which will improve outcomes for the service users.
Barriers that may affect professional development are:
ORGANISATIONAL: Poor communication
A lack of management support
Staff shortages
Inadequate supervision/appraisal systems.
PERSONAL: Low self-esteem...