Political “Liberal” and political “Conservative” are the heart of our political divisions today. Ideally, Conservatism refers to political philosophies or ideologies that do not like change. Conservatives consider their values to be valid for all persons, not just for themselves. (Conservatism) The values that different forms of conservatism emphasize are order over chaos, orientation toward the past rather than the future, the rural over the urban, unity and homogeneity over discord and fragmentation, existence over possibility, slow and incremental change over impractical visionary programs, as well as an acceptance of inequality over redistribution. (Conservatism)
Liberalism comes from the Latin word meaning “free”. It is an ideology that favors individual liberty, democracy, and equality. Liberal values include the premises that governments rule with the consent of the governed, that all people have equal rights under the law, and that no person shall be deprived of liberty or property without due process of law. (Liberalism) All forms of liberalism claim to protect the fundamental dignity and autonomy of the individual, under law. Modern liberalism advocates a mixed economy and some form of welfare or workfare to protect the poor. Liberals agree on the idea that society should have very limited interests in the private behavior of its citizens in the areas of private sexual relations, free speech, personal conscience or religious beliefs, as well as political association. (Liberalism)
Most people equate conservatism with the political right and the Republican Party. They also equate liberalism with the political left and the Democratic Party. These are ideals much older than the left-right division. (Conservatism) For example, most modern conservatives support liberal ideals like the free market and capitalism. Ideally, liberals do not believe in more governmental control such as through state owned enterprises, which places them in opposition...