Lifes Timeline

Life’s Timeline

Yvonne T Scott

Grand Canyon University


Children from the ages of birth to two years of age develop in leaps and bounds. They identify familiar voices within a few days of life, focus on objects and learn to recognize and interact with different moods and expressions (Psychology and your Life pg. 295). Babies can triple their birth weight within their first year and can double in height (pg.296).   Neurons grow increasingly thick links, insulated with layers of myelin, and enabling faster and more efficient message transmissions to the brain.[i] Babies start to develop social skills and bonds that broaden throughout their life. Their ability to develop trust is explained in the trust-versus-mistrust stage by Eric Erikson. If a baby’s needs are physically and mentally met on a regular basis a baby will learn to trust and the opposite if the needs are ignored (Erikson, pg 302). Jean Piaget’s research of cognitive development for this age range is called sensorimortor stage (Piaget, pg 303). Babies learn through their senses. Sight, touch and manipulation of objects are sensory stimulants that help a baby learn, recognize and become aware of their world. Cognitively babies learn to associate crying and other noises they make with getting attention from their caregivers. During their first couple of years they learn to turn those noises into single words and then into simple sentences by age two.
Through the years of two through nine children go through many changes. Their brain develops 90% of their adult weight by around the age of five but slows down considerably[ii]. Their communication skills increase and they use more advanced thinking for problem solving. They become more aware of the world around them and use that knowledge in their imaginations. They become more interactive with their peers and are more aware of gender roles.
Puberty sets in around the age of 10 on. Girls and boys start to develop physically.