Personality – psychological traits influencing the way a person acts with their environment.
5 Factor model of personality (big 5)
1- Extraversion – extent of being outgoing vs shy – high more outgoing
2- Emotional stability/neuroticism – degree of emotional control – high stability, high self esteem
3- Agreeableness – extend of being approachable and friendly
4- conscientiousness – degree of responsibility and achievement oriented
5- openness to experience – how flexible and open to new ideas
Locus of control – wether behavior is controlled by internal or external factors
- internals – we control
- externals – other control
self monitoring – how someone appears in social settings
self esteem – degree of positive evaluation
behavioural plasticity theory – ppl with low self esteem influenced by external factors
positive affectivity – view world positively
negative affectivity – view world negatively
proactive behaviour - taking initiative to improve situation of offer new ideas
proactive personality – stable personal taking initiative to improve and offer new ideas
general self efficacy – belief on how successfully you can perform
categories of learning –
1- Practical skills – skills based on job –
2- Intrapersonal skills – problem solving – learning alternative work processes
3- Interpersonal Skills – interaction skills
4- Cultural awareness – learning all the do”s and dont’s of the company
Operant learning – learn based on the scenario (ex, rats learning to push lever to get food)
Organizational errors involving reinforcement
1) confusing rewards with reinforcers –
2) neglecting diversity in preferences for reinforcers – appreciate individual differences
3) neglecting important sources of reinforcement –
i. Positive feedback – best ways to implement
1- send in positive manner
2- delivered...