Loyists in America

Are they an ethical part of business or is it legal bribery?

Political Lobbyist’s have been in existence since the First Amendment of the US Constitution, established the right to petition. This amendment assured the right of every United States citizen, to petition Congress, state government/legislatures, and all courts at any level and in a nutshell under this right of petition, individuals and groups of citizens and corporations may lobby for laws and policies that suit them.   However, with this protection some have accused lobbyists of abusing this privilege as well as conducting themselves in a manor not consistent with ethical or moral values. In addressing the political lobbyist situation in the United States this research paper focuses on these three relevant questions.
1.   How has the role of lobbyists historically changed within the past 250 years?
2.   Could some political lobbyist tactics be construed as “legal bribery”?
3, is the “Revolving Door” concept an ethical practice for past Civil Servants?

How has the role of  
Lobbyists historically changed within the past 250 plus years?
The word "lobbying" dates back to the early 19th century and likely referred to the lobbies of hotels or legislative buildings where petitioners would make their case.   However, according to several varied sources the word “lobbyist” was first used in Britain to refer to journalists waiting in corridors (lobbies) at the House of Commons waiting to interview decision makers. According to the American League of Lobbyists “its members research and analyze legislation or regulatory proposals, monitor and report on developments, attend congressional or regulatory hearings, work with coalitions interested in the same issues, and then educate not only government officials but also employees and corporate officers as to the implications of legislative changes”. (American League of Lobbyists, 2008)
Since the earliest days of the nation, Lobbyists have been...