Magazine Advertisement
Arquella Ewing
BUS 620
Instructor David Kalicharan
December 5, 2011
I am amazed at the huge number of magazines I see at the Library or in Boarders Book Store. I have researched this, and find that there are 7,383 magazines claimed to be published in North America alone. New magazines appear every year. Fifty-four magazines folded in 2009. Advertizing accounts for a large amount of their income. Apparently, this is considered a primary reason a magazine stays in business. It is generally believed that a magazine will close down if advertising income drops however not if its circulation drops! This is unfortunate since I abhor advertising and just skip past it myself.
The magazine industry however emphasizes that surveys indicate that magazine advertising is preferred over other media forms. A magazine industry self-fulfilling prophecy, perhaps? This in itself only increases the probability of more magazine advertising. That may be good for the magazine but not for the consumer.
Below I have inserted a little table showing how much you pay for page of information in a magazine.
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