Manage a Team Within Health and Social Care

Manage a team within a health and social care setting
|Unit 510                   |1. Develop goals and plans. This   begins with a clearly defined mission that describes the         |
|                           |specific purpose for the team’s existence. In addition, the team sets goals on a regular basis and|
|                           |is effective at developing and implementing plans. The team members are clear about goals and     |
|                           |priorities, and consistently act in ways that support the team’s overall mission and goals.       |
|                           |                                                                                                   |
|                           |2. Enhance communication among members. This means members that freely share information, are open|
|                           |and honest with each other, listen to each other, and provide each other with both positive and   |
|                           |constructive feedback. The team also employs a specific process to facilitate the dissemination of|
|                           |information on a regular basis (e.g., informational meetings).                                     |
|                           |                                                                                                   |
|                           |3. Develop and maintain positive relationships among members. Teams have   members that respect,   |
|                           |support, cooperate with, and trust each other. Such teams proactively work to build positive       |
|                           |relationships by providing opportunities for social interaction, by giving assignments that put   |
|                           |staff into contact with individuals they don’t normally interact with, and by providing           |
|                           |cross-training...