
2.4-Types of Managers of an Organization
Manager Goal Achieving High Performance
One of the most important goals that seek to achieve the organizations and their members is to provide a good or service that customers want. The main goal of CEO Steve Jobs is Apple manage to create a new flow of goods and services (such as personal computers more powerful, increasingly flat screens, music players and improvements in the ability to download music from the Internet) clients are willing to buy. The primary goal of doctors, nurses and hospital managers is to increase the capacity of its facilities to relieve the sick. In the same vein, the main goal of performance every manager of a McDonald's is to produce hamburgers, fries and shakes that people want to pay and eat.
The organizational performance is a measure of the effectiveness and efficiency with which administrators leverage resources to satisfy customers and achieve the goals of the organization. The performance increases in direct proportion to increases in the effectiveness and efficiency
Efficiency is a measure of the relevance of the goals that management decided to pursue the organization and the degree of attainment of these goals. Organizations are effective when managers choose appropriate goals and get them. For example, some years ago McDonald's managers decided that one goal was to serve breakfast to attract more customers. The choice of this goal was smart, now breakfast sales up over 30 percent of revenues. Jobs is the goal of creating a steady stream of innovative PC and digital entertainment products. High performance organizations, such as Apple, Intel, are both efficient and effective, as shown in the table. The effective principals are those who choose the right goals for and organization and those who have the ability to use resources efficiently. People who want to pursue a Masters in Business Administration (now the passport to a top administrative position), either on campus or...