Table of Contents
* Organizational culture
* Organizational structure
* Motivation
* Need theories
* Personality types
* Learning styles
* Ethics
* Conflict
* Communication styles
* Attitudes (about the work environment)
* Values (of employees)
* Stress and stress management practices
* Team skills and teamwork
* Diversity
* Internal Politics
* Goal-setting practices
* Mission
* Vision
* Communication (internal and external)
* Globalization
* Decision making
* Ethical code of conduct
Organizational Culture
Organizational culture can be defined as the values and behaviors that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization (, 2012). There are many variables that make up the culture of an organization. Some of the variables include: shared attitudes, values, beliefs, customs, written and unwritten rules within an organization. These variables influence the way employees interact with each other, clients, customers, and stakeholders. Organizational culture is a pattern of basic assumptions that are considered valid and that are taught to new members as the way to perceive, think, and feel in the organization (Nelson, Quick, 2011, p 263). The organizational culture may have positive and negative aspects within an organization and it is the model in which the organization conducts business, human relations, and ethical conduct. Organizational culture in sense is the personality of an organization. An effective manager must be able to recognize the organizations culture and act accordingly. This segment will provide information on how to identify an organizations culture.
Levels of Organization Culture
Just as there are multiple personality types, there are multiple types of organizational culture. The influences of the organizations culture can stem from three levels: artifacts, values, and basic assumptions,...