Mankind Will Be Close to Extinction

By the end of 21st century, mankind will be closed to extinction...

Our population is bulging at the seams, we are starting to fight over natural resources, and our food production and sea farming are starting to be taxed to the limit. In some parts of the world they use the control of food as a weapon. We have millions dying every year from starvation and diseases, which the more advanced nations seem to turn a blind eye towards.

We kill each other in the name of our different versions of God. And we fight over scraps of land because of ancient heritages and racial claims. We have issues with each other over stupid things such as Hair, Eye and skin color. Let’s throw in the proliferation of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. How long will it be before it boils over into all out regional & global conflict?

We seem to be in some sort of mad dash of technological development, we are advancing at such a rate that every year we learn more than we have in the past 5 years, and the year after that so on and so forth etc. We seem to rely more on our technology to try and solve our problems than we do our own valuable, rich and extensive history. The ancients knew a lot more than we give them credit. We fail to learn how things that worked in the past can be applied to this day and age. Instead we choose to ignore the teachings of our ancestors in favor of our technology and think by invading outer space and the development of other sciences, we can advance even more technology and save ourselves from the mess we have created here on Earth.

Until the population drops to a more ecologically supportable population, humanity will suffer these problems. In short, humanity itself shouldn't go completely extinct, because we've evolved an intelligence that goes a step beyond other animals, in that some people will be prepared to stave off complete extinction for at least a few generations...In small, isolated pockets. This is because our intelligence,...