

Chicago is a very well known city. In the early 1900’s Chicago had a lot of factories and jobs but around   the 1970’s, the factories had left because it was cheaper somewhere else. Cheap labor, land and rent were the reasons for factories to leave. During this time   unemployment went way up.   The demographic group that is marginalized according to Wilson are the poor African Americans who stayed behind. Wilson attribute this social marginality to low education and unemployment.   Southside Chicago is now full of liquor stores, check chasing places, bodegas, and fast food stores. These jobs offer very less money and also requires only a few amount of people. They were greatly impacted by the environment in which there   were no money, which means less education.   Having the lack of education made it really difficult because they didn’t have good jobs, they didn’t have enough money, and also could not support themselves.  
Wilson think this marginalization can be fixed by a panoply of “race neutral” government interventions, including universal health care, education reform, and a welfare reform that would feature time limits for able-bodied recipients but also the promise of a last-resort, public sector job modeled on the new deal- era W.P.A.   according to Wilson the most perplexing of all American problems are race and poverty.   Joblessness leads to social isolation.
According to both Wilson and the Model of Social Mobility, the attributes and or mechanisms that are needed for the marginalized group to progress are government and education. The government can greatly help the people by job assistance programs, youth after school programs, money for college and also creating more jobs around their neighborhood. Education is the key to success. After the factories left people needs education and skills to find jobs.   Without the opportunity for education people cannot move forward and are forced to work odd jobs such as fast food restaurants and...