Market Report on China Pesticide Industry, 2015-2018

Nov., 27, 2015, Mumbai, India: Market Reports on China presents the report, on “Market Report on China Pesticide Industry, 2015-2018”. In 2006-2014, the proportion of herbicides in Chinese pesticide preparations ascended dramatically, while the share of insecticides kept declining, and the proportion of fungicides remained unchanged.

Pesticide is one of the most important methods to intensify production in current global agricultural development. Pesticide production mainly consists of three sectors, namely pesticide intermediates, API synthesis and preparation processing. ""

In 2006-2014, China's output of pesticide API (converting into active ingredient 100%) grew at a CAGR of 14.2%. The output is expected to reach 3.66 million tons in 2015. Chinas pesticide API production is mainly concentrated in Jiangsu, Shandong, Henan and Zhejiang, which contributed nearly 70% to the total output in 2014.

Pesticide preparations include herbicides, insecticides and fungicides. In 2006-2014, the proportion of herbicides in Chinese pesticide preparations ascended dramatically, while the share of insecticides kept declining, and the proportion of fungicides remained unchanged. In 2015, China will produce 1.75 million tons of herbicides, 530 kilotons of insecticides and 180 kilotons of fungicides.

China is not only a big pesticide producer and consumer, but also a key exporter. In 2010-2014, China's pesticide export volume grew at a CAGR of 17.3%; the volume is estimated to hit 1.3 million tons in 2015. However, China's pesticide export price is far lower than the import price, mainly because the country imports innovative medicines while exports API and generic drugs in most cases.

Global pesticide players could be divided into two types, namely, R&D oriented and overdue patent oriented. The former mainly covers Syngenta, DOW, BASF, Bayer and Monsanto. Chinese...