Marketing for the Dental Team


Assessment plan: Dental Nurse
1. Introduction and Overview
This apprenticeship is designed to support individuals to meet the professional standard for people
working as a trainee Dental Nurse within the industry.
The model has been driven by an employer steering group, and then refined through the Technical
Working Group consisting of employers, training providers & assessment experts.
The principles driving the design of the assessment plan are as follows:
1. Maximum relevance to the job wherever possible
2. Integration with day-to-day responsibilities wherever possible
3. Added value to the apprentice’s journey, both during and at the end of the apprenticeship
Primary focus
on Knowledge

Induction to Apprenticeship
Employer Recruitment
Assessment of prior Learning

Skills &

Regular employer &
Training Provider
Checkpoints to ensure
Apprentice is on target

GDC Approved Licence
to Practice Qualification

GATEWAY to End Point Assessment
Apprentices must achieve a GDC approved Licence to Practice qualification in Dental Nursing before
being entered for the end point assessment.


3rd Party Independent assessment of a project
which links and tests skills and knowledge in a
holistic way.


3rd Party Independent Assessor face to face
review of project and while apprenticeship.

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2. Assessment Methods
The methodology has been designed taking into account that this is a practical standard which is
underpinned by technical and scientific knowledge that will allow the apprentice to develop the skills,
knowledge and behaviours across different types of dental practices and...