Hamilton’s Method
U.S. Population
Let D = -------------------------------------------
Number of House Seats
State Population
For each individual state, State Quota = --------------------------, rounded down.
Track the remainder fractions.
Appoint each individual state its State Quota of Representatives and then distribute the remaining seats according to the size of the remainders, until the surplus of seats is exhausted.
1 15475
2 35644
3 98756
4 88346
5 369
6 85663
7 43427
8 84311
9 54730
10 25467
One way to figure this out is to take the total population and divide the individual state population with the aggregate total.
Total Population 532188
State 1 2.90% (15475/532188) 3 seats
State 2 6.69% (35644/532188) 6 Seats
State 3 18.55% (98756/532188) 18 seats
State 4 16.60% (88346/532188) 17 Seat
State 5 .131% (43427/532188) 1 Seat
State 6 16.096% (85311/532188) 16 seats
State 7 8.16% (43427/532188) 8 Seats
State 8 15.84% (84311/532188) 16 Seats
State 9 10.28% (54730/532188) 10 seats...