Through the years that I have been teaching, seldom have parents questioned our math program, or even mentioned much about math. Reading has been the focus of the questions about our curriculum. Do you do phonics? How much do you work on reading? And so on. With our changing world and technological advances, math is every bit as important and powerful as reading. Mastery of math is vital to the development of citizens in the new century. As our society has become more technologically oriented, math and science have become gateways to future careers. Everyone is affected by science and math on a daily basis. Students that do not receive a good mathematical basis or who drop out of the higher math classes, will greatly lesson the job options they have in the future. Mathematical literacy is more important now than ever before. The ability to make sense of information, the development of critical reasoning skills, and problem solving are critical to becoming contributing citizens. It is thought that information technology jobs will be the hot careers of the next century.
Along with our changing world, our students are changing. The fast paced electronic world is much different than many of us experienced. They can sit at the computer listening to music, watching television, while surfing the web and chatting with friends through instant message. This multi-tasked student is the same one that will be sitting in the classroom the next day. What appears overload to many is their way. Their motivations have changed. Traditional teaching methods are unlikely to satisfy the changing conditions. A shift to more active learning and stimulating classrooms seems necessary.
Research has shown that attitudes towards math are positive in the early years of schooling. By the end of elementary school, children see themselves as less successful. They loose interest in mathematics through high school and by adulthood fear math. Is this...