Managing and Responding to Behaviours in as Learning Environment
TETA 1029
Task 1- the context of behaviour issues
i. Describe and discuss the aspects of national legislation which have relevance to behaviour in the learning environment (300 words)
Any attempt to improve behaviour must be in accordance to the school or college regulatory framework backed up by national legislation. This provides such framework for both educational institutions and teachers. These acts include the Children Act 2004 which is the legal foundation for ‘Every Child Matters: Change for Children’ (2004). This policy sets guidance to provide an inclusive environment for children by promoting five core outcomes which cater for children’s health and emotional well-being, ensuring that they are safe, i.e. complying with child protection legislation, ensuring that they get the support they need to achieve, the development of positive attitude and economic well-being regardless of race, gender and religion
The Education and Inspections Act 2006 (2009), included, for the first time, a specific power for teachers to discipline pupils – for breaking a school rule, failure to follow instructions or other unacceptable behaviour. This gives teachers legal powers to discipline students which can only help to manage behaviour in the learning environment, protecting students and teachers alike. These powers include the ability to carry out these powers beyond the institutions’ gates, if set by the in-house policies plus the power to take punitive action such as exclusion for disruptive behaviour. Power to detain students under the age of 18 with prior notice to parents and the ability remove items that are deemed disruptive, harmful or dangerous, plus head teachers can search students and their belongings for the above items. This act includes cover for educational institutions as a whole to include safety and security at work, including bullying and...