Question 1 – 1st task
I chose to do task 1.2 from page 7 of the Module Book (page 1 of the appendix) because the way in which numbers and words can be used so differently to describe things intrigued me, particularly when considering statistics as I have always studied more pure mathematics. I began the task by setting up a table and then analysing from there. Beginning the task in this way enabled me to go comfortably into the remainder of the task with a visual representation of all the ideas I had come up with. ‘Where possible, data can usefully be organised into a table. (Module Book, Page 14).’
Throughout working on this task I found myself exploring the two different types of measurement, words and numbers. At first I wasn’t really sure how to begin the task and so decided to start with a table (Visualising, Module Book, page 12). Once I managed to write down a few examples I was able to look at the two different types of description and then compare them, which lead me to an extension of the task in which I inter-related the two (Describing, Comparing, Interrelating, Module Book, page 223). It became clear to me that I was in fact investigating the use of both words and numbers as a form of measurement and that I had implicitly used these three main types of ‘statistical enquiry, Module Book, page 223.’ I then went on to summarise my findings (bottom of Page 1 of the appendix). The only learning issue I had with this task was beginning it, because I sometimes struggle to think for myself with ambiguous tasks such as this one. However, once I started filling in the table I overcome this and was successful with the rest of the task.
Reflecting on my role as a learner of this task, I immediately began to set out a table which suggests an iconic thought process contributed to my understanding. (Jerome Bruner’s...