“Change We Can Believe In”. This is the slogan used by Senator Barack Obama during the recent Democratic presidential contest in America. After one of the greatest upsets in American political history, many people especially journalists, historians and bloggers will be talking for years about what happened. They still could not get over the fact that Senator Barack Obama has won. Barack Obama wins because he has a superior ‘change’ message. He has an efficient and watertight organisation. He is cool. And the most important thing he has: A good command of leadership. It is the major key of his success to be nominated at the end of the day. He knows what he is doing. And that is what makes the Americans believe in him despite of his difference in races, cultures and religions.
Leadership is listed at the top of the ten rules to become a leader. It is mentioned here as the main ingredient to the road of success. Let us first begin with the basic knowledge of leadership. A famous author, Dr. Robert H. Schuller, who wrote Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do! , once says like this, “Take care? People who take care never go anywhere. Take a chance; take charge; take control!” He defined leadership as the force that selects your dreams and sets your goals. It is the force that propels your endeavours to success. However, you would be amazed how many “leaders” fail to take charge and take control. Before they know it, they lose control and are defeated by problems they should have been able to manage successfully. This happens because they surrender their leadership to the four fatal ‘F’s in their lives.
The first ‘F’ stands for Frustrations. They are people who reach a point where they just cannot handle people any more. They cannot handle government regulations any more. They cannot handle economic price inflation any more. All of us face frustrations when we are lacked of time and money; when the interest rates are high; when our closest people...