Where there Azerbaijan security forces supporting the operation? If so, how many?
What is the proximity of the supply storage site to the local populace/village?
Has there previously been a group of local nationals shown up to supply storage site before? If so, could some individuals be identified that has shown up in the past?
What is the size of the parameter?
How often are supplies delivered to NGO/PVO sites?
Has there been past riots or looting at NGO/PVO sites?
How much supplies are stored in a given day?
This was a very unfortunate event. A full investigation is underway.
Our mission is to support the people of Azerbaijan.
Yesterday about 1345 there was an incident between American Soldiers and a group of local nationals. The incident caused injury to three American Soldiers and possibly some local nationals. It is important to know that safety and security for the local population and Soldiers is the cornerstone of this operation. A full investigation of the incident is underway to ensure a similar incident does not occur again.
Why are American Soldiers attacking the people of Azerbaijan? – Our mission is to help the people of Azerbaijan.
How long will American be here? – We will only be here long enough to turn relief effort over to civilian authorities.
Why are Americans here? – To help the people of Azerbaijan in the time of crisis. We have been invited by the Government of Azerbaijan to come here and provide crucial humanitarian assistance.
Will the Soldiers be punished? – We are thoroughly investigating the incident. Our goal is to prevent another similar incident.
Why aren’t Americans distributing supplies to the people? – Our mission is to resupply NGO/PVO distribution points. That’s where the food and medical supplies are distributed to the people in order to ensure the supplies are equally distributed.
What are American doing to help the injured local nationals? We are trying...