A. Use the word bank below to build the medical word that corresponds to each definition in problems 1-16. Word parts may be used more than once. Click the grey box to begin typing.
Pertaining to the word cell -eal
Pertaining to across or through (Transesophageal)
-gen The word pepsinogen digestive enzyme cecum
First part of the large intestine.
Speed up chemicals reactions. (Leaven) in- In; with not (indigestion)
Pertaining to the word small thing. ex-
Out or away from (Exhalation)
Pertaining to the breastplate. cilia Small hairs that flow in waves to move foreign particles away from the lungs and towards the nose and throat.
-ature The system composted of -ity
State or condition (Sensitivity)
The word pepsin digestive substance extra-
Outside of (Extracellular)
Bicuspid meaning two or bigeminal
C. In this activity, break the medical word into its word parts. Using the word parts, create a definition of the word. Write a sentence...