
Good morning, students. Have you ever thought about being a mentor? Some of you have probably reaped the fruits of your labour while some may think you have nothing to offer. Yet, many of us often credit all the benefits youths receive from having positive adults and other individuals in our lives. These mentors, or role models, play a pivotal role in shaping the world view of students in our community.

For some youths, having a mentor may be the only individual they can look up to who is making positive, healthy decisions. We know youth benefit from mentoring relationships through the evidence of improved relationships with peers, friends and family.   Mentors provide good examples of what it means to have positive relationships with others through the lives they lead. Mentors like you can help other students in this school to even focus on their academic performance. You can become a source of accountability and guide because by being in the fifth and sixth forms, you are in a unique position to offer real-life wisdom and experience

You might be asking yourself, "What qualifies someone to be a mentor?" If you are able to volunteer your time to offer guidance, support and encouragement aimed at developing the competence and character of the mentee, then, you are qualified. Your desire and willingness to share time, experience and a listening ear to a student seeking direction or wisdom is invaluable.

In return, as a mentor you will have a feeling of deep satisfaction and productivity. Know that as mentors, you are also making a real difference in the lives of those you are mentoring and your use of time is very much a constructive one. Importantly, you are having a positive impact on the self-esteem of your mentees and even yourselves. You will also become more in-tuned with the youth in our school. Finally you will come to a better appreciation for those of diverse backgrounds. Think about it, dear fifth and sixth formers. Will you take up this challenge...