Racial and Ethnic Groups Matrix
Dikkia Murvin
SOC/262- Contemporary American Society
August 16, 2012
Tara Tolbert
University of Phoenix Material
Racial and Ethnic Groups Matrix
Complete the matrix below by answering the questions for each group.
| |Race vs. Ethnicity |Origins and Past Experiences |Challenges in the U.S. |American Identity |Personal Experiences and |
| | | | | |Comments |
| |Is this an ethnic or|Where did this group originate? How did this group become a part of|What challenges has this grouped |How is this group |Have you witness any racism or |
| |racial group and |American culture? |faced in the U.S.? |portrayed today in |prejudice toward this group? |
| |why? | | |American society? |Any additional comments? |
|Native Americans |Racial Group |Native Americans have history in the Americas dating back 50,000 |Maintaining political sovereignty |Many native |Yes, their dependents that are |
| |Defined by skin |years, making them the longest human species to inhabit the |which is under constant and |Americans are |mixed are not treated fairly by|
| |color and facial |amerces. |perpetual assault, the tribes’ |portrayed as thieves|their own people; unless there |
| |features. |Some scientist state that they migrated from Asia during the ice |native language is becoming...