Humanism is very important, as it has shaped our lives. Myths, archetypes, and aesthetic experiences have shaped the way we live today. There are many similarities and differences amongst the different time periods, but the time periods that fascinate me the most are the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. In the Middle Ages, people focused more on religion and spirituality whereas, in the Renaissance, the focus was more secular: right here and now as humans on earth. Three of the most notable changes during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance include architecture, art, and philosophy. Each change made an impact on how the time periods are viewed today.
To begin the Middle Ages was a time period in European history that took place between 500 and 900 A.D. The Middle Ages brought many advances from the earlier centuries. Although it brought many advances from the earlier centuries, the Middle Ages were very static and not much changed. Humanists believed the Middle Ages were a time of turmoil. The Renaissance on the other hand provided changes in the way people view themselves, had a revival of learning, and there was an arrival of several groups of people with similar beliefs.
The Middle Ages include Ranesque Art, which took place during the 10th century to the middle of the 12th century. It also included Gothic Art, which took place from the middle of the 12th century to the 15th century. Romanesque sculptures, fresco painting, metalwork, and manuscript illumination, which the monks performed, are all examples of Gothic art. Gothic art was also represented by gothic sculptures, stained glass and panel paintings that were dominated by Christian religious themes. The art was primarily religious in nature. It was also stylized, the figures were fully clothed, and the artist never signed the artwork. An example of Romanesque art is Basilica of Paray-le-Monial, which was from France. An example of Gothic Art is the Notre Dame...