The relational developments that take place through middle childhood and adolescence can be difficult and confusing. This development involves physical and psychological changes, which move at a much more rapid pace than previous stages. The child quickly goes through dramatic shifts in personality, sexual maturation, and bodily changes. The various developmental shifts influence his or her cognitive, social, and moral development (Piaget, 1983). Numerous complex emotions and discoveries begin to take place. Within western culture this process pinpoints a time in which a teenager begins to seek independence and responsibility for his or herself. He or she begins to promote assertion, rights, and personal beliefs. The milestones that one encounters through this stage will provide him or her with the abilities, skills, and attitudes that will follow the child to adulthood.
The perceptions of what one need out of personal relationships begins to Significantly change in middle childhood. In infancy and early childhood, children easily establish friendships out of convenience. However, in middle childhood and predominantly through adolescence, a child’s friendships become on commonality and emotional connection (Collins & Russell, 1991). The child begins to make friendships out of choice. He or she connects with peers who have similar interests, music, and taste in clothing. Cliques form and exclusivity becomes a heightened problem. No one wants to be the one that is “left out.” Not yet developing proper tools for introspect combined with the need to find their place in this world, the child easily gathers opinions and advice from his or her peer group. Those who the child spends time with the most he or she relates to the most. Adolescents start to understand the concepts of betrayal and rejection and while connecting and associating so closely with peers those moments of betrayal and rejection can be impacting and...