Mind and Body

Brain and Behaviour

Who are you? Who are others?

What makes you you? Why are you the way you are?

Why are others the way that they are?

How are you and others the same? different?

Is it possible that everything one is, does, and experiences is a function of the brain, just as Emily Dickinson suggested nearly one hundred and fifty years ago? Could it be that one is who one is because of what one's brain is? And that becoming something different means changing the brain? If so, what are the implications of this? Do we lose something, or is the brain actually big enough, as Dickinson suggested, to contain everything? If so, what might we be able to do that has never before been possible? What are the risks, the gains, the new landscapes which would be opened to explore?
The exhibits and materials collected here are intended to make it possible for you to share some of the kinds of experiences which suggest that indeed the nervous system may be the heart of the matter and to think about the implications and the new questions this raises. Your thoughts are welcome in the on-line forum for the general topic of brain and behavior, as well as in the forums associated with the pages/exhibits linked below.

"What the empirical evidence tells is that, far from being meaningless, we are, individually and collectively, equipped not only to appreciate meaning but, even more importantly, to continually conceive and revise it. The evidence suggests that to be human is to be a meaning maker, individually and collectively."


Nervous System Basics

The Neurobiology of Vision

"Reality": Construction, Deconstruction, and Reconstruction

Variability, Diversity, and Creativity

Exploration and Understandings

Mind, Body, and the Self?

Free Will

Social Organization


Mental Health

Growing Points

Additional Resources

  = interactive exhibits
= includes on-line forums
Nervous System Basics
The brain is a...