
Unit 201                                         Child and young person development

From birth until 19 years of age children and young people will tend to exhibit certain similarities which have complied into a development plan. Although children and young people are different and have different experiences, they grow and develop in a similar way.
Babies are usually born at 40 weeks, which is a full term pregnancy. At this early stage they show signs of recognition towards their mother, they know her voice and smell. They even know that if they cry it is a sign of distress which lets people know they need help. New borns to young babies actively learn about their new world through their senses, particularly with touch, taste and sound. Over time and development their reflexes improve which allows them to turn their heads and suckle when their cheeks are touched.   From 2-3 months they now recognise faces which they tend to watch and follow. Linked with the recognition of faces they gain enthusiasm which is shown by them kicking their legs in excitement when seeing familiar faces.
Language Development
Language learning starts at birth. Even new babies are aware of the sounds in the environment. They listen to the speech of those close to them, and startle or cry if there is an unexpected noise. Loud noises wake them, and they become "still" in response to new sounds.
0-3 months
Astoundingly, between 0-3 months babies learn to turn to you when you speak, and smile when they hear your voice. In fact, they seem to recognise your familiar voice, and will quieten at the sound of it if they are crying. Tiny babies under three months will also stop their activity and attend closely to the sound of an unfamiliar voice. They will often respond to comforting tones whether the voice is familiar or not.
4-6 months
Then, sometime between 4 to 6 months babies respond to the word "no". They are also responsive to changes in your tone of voice, and to sounds...