
Ruth Beville.
Unit 305 Develop professional relationships with children and young people.
Outcome 3 Develop professional relationships with adults. Reflective accounts.
Over the years I have worked with children and parents who may have communication difficulties they have ranged from EAL(English as an additional language), specific speech impairment and deafness each of these have been a learning curve for me. For EAL   which includes cultural differences I have had to learn to communicate using basic language for example French, Spanish, Bengalese and on one occasion Tagalog for a Nepalese child these differing cultures also have traditions and gestures that must be taken into account when communicating with the child and the parent. Social differences for example Traveller families which we do have a few of at Joy Lane have different customs and attitudes. Strategies for those with speech impairment like tongue tie and a stutter are two of the speech problems that I have worked with and although at first it was quite daunting I have learned that with patience and good strategies helping these two boys to overcome their shyness and hesitation the results are very rewarding the first time you hear that child speak clearly and confidently.
I have had to learn a lot about the communicating with different people and cultures over the last 13 years it is very rewarding to share this information with others within my profession.
When working with an adult who has communication differences I am always very conscious of the fact that I must talk slowly and precisely. I have worked with two children of deaf parents and was always very careful with my communication facing them directly when speaking and on occasion using some Makaton signs that the parent knew. I have also used repetition and using basic language when necessary.
In resolving a situation between two children in my care, I have asked if there was any history of miscommunication first....