
Assignment 1
Season Come to Pass: On His Blindness
“On His Blindness” is a petrarchan sonnet, a lyric poem with fourteen lines. The rhyme scheme is as follows {ABBA, ABBA}-Octet, {CDE, CDE}-Sestet. The rhyming scheme is used because the poet is speaking to the reader about how his blindness prevents him from serving God as much as he wishes. The first eight lines which is an Octave present a theme: God judges humans on whether they labour or him to the best of his/her ability e.g. Pastor A preaches the word of God to a congregation on 2000 people and Pastor B preaches to a congregation of 20 people but they both pray and serve God equally. If one of the Pastor A becomes ill and can no longer preach the word of God he will still remain worthy in the sight of God. For as Milton says in the last line of the poem “they also serve who stand and wait” The last two-line conclusion is an octave.   In the first part of the poem Milton laments his blindness as God has taken away one thing and he won’t be able to use that talent. He wrote his poem when he was blind. At 43 he went blind. God gives you talents to his/her ability. To not use this talent “hide” is like death, line 3 “death to hide” meaning its useless. He goes on to say the even thou he is blind he will still praise God, “thou my soul more bent” “To serve therewith my Make, and present” The poet compares his soul to his mind. In the first half Milton use negative words “dark, death, useless” to enforce the fact that he is blind and talks about his feelings. The second half he realizes that to serve God is much more meaningful than to complain. He don’t want to pity himself. The murmur to prevent that negativity the voice who he refers to as “Patience” tells him God doesn’t need you “God doth not need” or your gifts “either man’s work, or his own gifts” for even those that can’t carry their heavy “yoke” problems, they still serve him best “they serve him best” therefore he will also serve God.
“When I consider...