
P2. Describe four theoretical models of child abuse
M1. Compare four theoretical models of child abuse
D1. Evaluate four theoretical models of child abuse
Abuse is defined as anything that is harmful, injurious, or offensive.   It is intimidation or manipulation of another person or an intrusion into another psyche. The purpose is to control another person. David G Gil, (1975) paediatric of Cambridge, Massachusetts defined child abuse as “inflicted gaps or deficits between circumstances of living which would facilitate the optimal development of children to which they should be entitled and their actual circumstances, irrespective of the sources or agents of the deficits”.
The Medical Model

- Psychological Model

- Sociological Model

- Feminist Model

The main point of the medical model of child abuse is that abuse is seen as a disease and an illness which needs a cure. Kempe and kempe (1962): the ‘battered child syndrome’ which was in 1976 change to ‘child abuse and neglect’, Kempe and Kempe applied Bowlby’s thinking about attachment theory directly to child abuse and neglect.’ Which specified that the main care-givers with whom the bond is made had been suffered from poor attachment in the early childhood and even stated that there were four specific signs and symptoms which in turn became known as ‘Kempe’s four factors of abuse’. The four factors of abuse are:
- The parents have either been abused themselves, or have abused before
- The child is unlovable or disappointing
- There is a crisis
- There is no aid when the crisis occur

This model of child abuse thought that abuse was a disease, and that in turn abuse was curable. The four signs and symptoms which are all stated above were stated to indicate that in some families abuse can be cured and also it could be stopped. I personally believe that abuse is not a disease and therefore I also feel that...