
Name: Beverley Brown

Week: 6

Date: 9th October 2013

LO 1.1 Differentiate between counselling and other helping activities

LO 3.1 Identify the qualifications required for working in counselling


LO 4.1 Describe the purpose of personal reflection

LO 1.1 Today we talked about the differences in counselling a client as apposed to

helping people in our daily lives.   Counselling a client is a one to one, trust building

relationship in a therapeutic way where boundaries of confidentiality and time are set in

place with a contract. The outcome and expectations should be positive.

Counselling skills are used with each other in any interaction, you can be just friends or

work in other areas such as the police or a teacher where you can give advice which can

be done in a parental way.

LO 3.1 We worked in pairs for this exercise, we learned that special qualities were

fundamental as well as certificates and qualifications.   We used a spider chart

to demonstrate all of these requirements. In a counselling setting a good councilor would

dress appropriately, be empathetic, have moral qualities and use their SOLER. They

would have special training in their chosen field and know the referral process.   They

would be self aware, know their own limits and understand the BACP

principals. They will be professional in a highly confidential way with

professionalism. They should also be congruent, have ethical principles and moral

qualities.   It was good that we all had to think about these words, their meanings and

requirements so that we/I can identify what is required in a counselling setting and

practice them.

LO 4.1 Looking back at the triad exercise, where we did role play set in a student client

and councilor session with the third peer assessing the student/councilor (which was

Myself) and, given feedback, I leaned that I had leaned to far forward into the
