
Q.1: Summarise the main development of a child from the age range birth to two years, three to five years, and, five to eight years.
Birth – 6 M | Sequence of physical development is;Birth:- Unable to raise head.- Reacts to sudden sound.- Closes eyes to bright light.6months:- Sits up with support.- Transfers objects from one hand to the other.- Can lift head and shoulders.Rate of physical development should be;From the answers above babies at birth cannot do much and every baby develops at different rates. However most babies at birth do normally close their eyes to bright light and babies at 6 months do normally sit up with support.Sequence of communication development is;Birth:- Crying.- Smiles.- Responds to smell of its mother.6months:- Coos and babbles.- Continual awareness of sounds.- Uses eye gaze to indicate interest.Rate of communication development should be;As you can see from the benchmarks above most babies at birth do normally cry when their just born and also need their mother and smile and respond to their mothers smell but if the some babies may develop at a different rate for example not smile until their a few months older. On the other hand babies at 6 months may develop at a different rate for example not be aware of sounds, they may start being aware at 8 months if their developing at a later rate.Sequence of intellectual/cognitive development is;Birth:- Becomes aware of physical sensations such as hunger.- Explores using senses.- Cry’s to indicate needs.6months:- Finds feet interesting.- Understands ‘up’ and ‘down’.- Makes appropriate gestures such as raising arms to be picked up.Rate of intellectual/cognitive development should be;Babies at birth normally become aware of physical sensations such as hunger by placing their hand on their mothers breast to be fed but babies that may be developing at a later rate might not do this they may just cry instead. Though babies at 6 months may also develop at a later rate.Sequence of Social, emotional...