
- suporting indivudals to eat and drink
1.3 describe way to resolve any difficulties or dilemmas about the choices of food and drink
Some people might refuse to eat some food that has been given to them. They will have been given this food because it is what it says they need in their care plan such as a liquidised diet or a soft diet. If someone is on one of these diets then they might not be able to choose what they want to eat and then this will cause problems between the individual and the care assistant. However, there are some ways that you can resolve these difficulties and dilemmas. One of these ways is reporting them to your manager or senior member of staff who is on shift. You should also try and explain to the individual why they have to have that food. You could try and offer the individual some other food that is suitable for their diet.
1.4 describe how and when to seek additional guidance about an indivual choice of food and drink
You should seek additional guidance about an individual’s choice of food and drink when you are not sure about what they can and can’t have. You can seek additional guidance by asking your manager or the senior member of staff that is on that shift. However, you could also look in the individual’s care plan or you could ask their GP for a list of food and drink that they can have.
3.1 describe factors that help promote an indivuals digity comfort and enjoyment while eating and drinking
Dignity, comfort and enjoyment are supported by cleaning spilled food off someone's chin; supporting them to eat at a speed they care comfortable with (not shovelling food at them) and sitting down with them - eating a meal is a social activity as well as a chance to 'refuel'; not overloading their plate (this is off putting for some people) and being mindful of individual health conditions which may compromise their ability to swallow safely (stroke for example). Adapting support may mean simply slowing down and giving time to chew...