Unit sector reference: HSC 2002
Candidate name: …………………………………………………………………………………
Answer the following questions, give examples where possible.
|Question |Answers |
|1.1 Define mobility. |Mobility means the movement of individuals from a particular place or position to another|
| |whilst ensuring that their independence is maintained e.g. moving from a wheelchair to a |
| |bed or moving from one bed position to another. |
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|1.2 Explain how different health condition may |Stroke, Fractures, bone dislocations, muscles weakness or arthritis makes mobility very |
|affect and be affected by mobility. |difficut. |
| |Stroke: Person with stroke lacks with good balance and have partial paralaysis on one |
| |side restrict person to mobilise and have major risk of falls. |
| |Fractures: Person with fracture mean that it takes longer time to recover or sometimes |
| |become infected and does not allow person to mobilise...