Analyse the concept of protection and safegarding.
Safe gaurding vunerable adults revolves around a legaslative framework to protect individuals. Below explains some of the legislations and what they do any why they work when used collectivley together.
The human rights act describes that all individuals have the right to live their lives free from abuse, violationof their rights through violence and torture. The Care Standards Act (2000) brought about the national min imun standards act which ment that all care service needed to meet these standards evedencing quality of care they were providing.
The No Secrets Act(2003)
This act gives guidance created as a result of serious incidents leading to abuse. Sets out codes of practice for protection of vulnerable adults.It explains how commissioners and providers of health and social care services should work together to produce and implement local policies and procedures. They should collaborate with the public, voluntary and private sectors and they should also consult service users, their carers and representative groups. Local authority social services departments should co-ordinate the development of policies and procedures.
Mental Capacity Act (MCA) (2005)
This act have 5 key principles;
A person should always be presumed to have capacity unless it has been proved otherwise. All individuals should be supported to make decisions for themselves and provisions for best interst with less restrictive options when the decision made could be unwise.
Safeugarding Vulnerable Groups (2006)
Protection of adults who are vulnerable, minimising risks to individuals in care.
Dbs checks, vetting barring scheme, safe empowering care, appropriate and relevant training for staff.
Deprevation of Liberty Safeguards (2008)
Everyone has the right to liberty to do the things, live their lives the they want to lead it.
Individuals should be able to lead their lives as they desire with care being provided in the...