Ms S Green

Research title: Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) and the Impact of age. Does the age of the learner impact on their ability to engage with TEL as a learning solution? Does access to technology compensate for decreased tutor contact with particular regard to retention and achievement?

Research rationale and background.

I have decided to do my research project on the impact of having 20% of my classroom contact time with learners cut from my part-time Level 3 Dog Grooming Course. This is due to the reduction of contact time experienced across the Further Education Sector, which means the students have to receive 10% delivery via digital means. The other 10% reduction in contact is to make the course financially viable, so most of the theory will have to be completed at home. This means that learners have to be more independent, with all theory work completed at home using Moodle. I am particularly aware that, in the past, mature learners found it difficult to use computers or did not have good internet access at home, so I am measuring the impact by age to see if this is a factor. I will then evaluate their results from assignments, exam papers and Moodle. As this is going to be new to me, I also need to ask whether I am prepared enough and have the skills needed, to provide a good learning experience for my learners.

Literature review.

“The essence of action research is teachers solving everyday problems in schools to improve both student learning and teacher effectiveness.” (Gay and Airasian, 2003:261). Petty (2002) states that action research involves piloting or experimenting with teaching and learning strategies or materials etc. It is an excellent way to improve your teaching and your students’ learning. Most staff who have tried them find their projects very absorbing and useful. The whole purpose of my action research project is to become a better tutor and give my learners a good learning experience, and to enable me to be empowered enough...