Try to find all 10 words in the word search below.
Words could go up, down, across, diagonally or even backwards!
|APRON | |E |D |
| |M | | |
|Majeda Abass |Karen |Jenni |Bill |
| | | | |
|My responsibility is to promote a safe|Karen’s responsibility is to identify |Jenni’s responsibility is to report |Bill is the health and safety manager |
|working environment in accordance with|safety issues and their causes. She |the health and safety matters to the |who is the main person to deal with |
|the current legislation and nursery |will recognise these and take action |manager. |all the significant hazards. |
|requirements. |where needed. This includes reporting | | |
| |the health and well-being of the child| | |
|Report all health and safety concerns |to parents when it is necessary. | | |
|to my supervisor Karen. Also, if I | | | |
|notice anything that could be | |...