What are Musical Stereotypes?
Group 2
Joshua Ahrns
Lee Casey
Lisa Colwill
Cory Gallagher
Portia Golloh
Dominique LeLewis
Ashley Sanders
In today’s society, stereotypes are not uncommon. With the amount of them running rampant in nearly everything we do in society, it might be a safe bet to say that stereotypes make up the norm. In the fifth edition of the text Psychology, Stephen Davis and Joseph Palladino define a stereotype as “a set of socially shared beliefs that we hold about members of a particular group” (p. 447). Stereotypes focus more on the group that something belongs to, rather than the individuals themselves. The list of stereotypes is a long one, with people making various categories for race, people living in a certain locale, what we where, and even things that we express an interest in. While thinking about stereotypes, our group came up with a question. Are there stereotypes in the music realm?
The easy answer to the question was yes. We were able to name a few genres that are well known for their stereotypical natures off the top of our heads. From there we established that we could explore the topic more in depth to discover how classifying music could classify how people feel about others that listen to the particular genre in question. We have each individually explored the concepts by means of scholarly texts, our own personal experiences, news articles and other sources in order to come together again with what we feel is the best feeling we could get right now.
Josh: Music exists in many forms and has become not only the essence of auditory curiosity but something that has manipulated and influenced people in a visual sense. These musical traits when combined drive stereotypes to exist, indifferent to society and its ways. Music affects what people like and how they look and act. As Levitin puts it in This Is Your Brain on Music, “Each musical genre has its own set of rules and its own form. The...