1. Know the structure of education from early years to post-compulsory education
a. Summarise entitlement and provision for early years education
b. Explain the characteristics of the different types of schools in relation to educational stage(s) and school governance
c. Explain the post-16 options for young people and adults
According to the every child matters agenda and the child care act 2006 every child aged between 3-4 became entitled in England to receive a free early year’s education of up to 15 hours per week for 38 education before they start school. Every Child Matters agenda, which is a government initiative for England and Wales, and its main aims are for every child, whatever their background or circumstances, to have the support they need to;
- be healthy
- stay safe
- enjoy and achieve
- make a positive contribution
- achieve economic wellbeing,
The Childcare Act 2006, which works in conjunction with the Every Child Maters agenda, and formalises the important strategic role of local authorities through a set of duties requiring them to; * work with their NHS and jobcentre partners to improve the outcomes of all children up to five and reduce inequalities between them secure sufficient childcare for working parents * provide a parental information service
Parents do not need to contribute but they will be charged for any extra support that is required. Early years schools about supporting very young children every country in the UK has a concept for ea organised according to the KS1 curriculum, so children will learn while they play. The teacher usually organises some activities which children will enjoy throughout the day, the children will work or play independently and self-select under the supervision of the teacher.
There are four main type’s mainstream state schools, which are funded by the local authorities and known as maintained...