Neurodevelopmental Model

The Neurodevelopmental model in Occupational Therapy

This essay will identify an intervention model used within occupational therapy practice. The first part will explain the theoretical framework that underpins the intervention model and outline the models key principles. It will evaluate the models strengths and weaknesses and also discuss current research into the brain and central nervous system. The second part will explore applying the theory into practice and explain how an occupational therapist might apply the intervention model to a client with occupational deficits. Examples of appropriate assessments will be presented along with the approaches utilized when carrying out the interventions. The intervention model discussed in this assignment is the Neurodevelopmental Model.
Section A
The occupational therapy philosophy of client-centered care is reinforced by the understanding of generic models of practice, which are the basic framework utilized to support occupational therapy practice and make links between the core principles and tools that combine together theory and practice within the profession (Grebar et al, 2007). An intervention model aims to guide an occupational therapist in implementing appropriate treatments and techniques to address specific problems an individual is experiencing and facilitate client goals (Supyk-Mellson & Mckenna, 2010). Baum and Christiansen (2005) suggest that using the principles of the Neurodevelopmental Model within clinical practice, will enable an occupational therapist to assist an individual improve their occupational performance and engagement in daily activities.

First, to understand the current theories of the Neurodevelopmental model, the background of where it developed will be discussed. This model evolved from earlier theories of motor control in the early 1900s’ by a Neurophysiologist Sir Charles Sherrington (Burke, 2007). This theory viewed human movement as a combination of reflexes...