Nursing Care Plan
Client name: Mrs. Chan Age/ sex: 48/F Medical diagnosis: Fluid overload, decreased TK output and decreased Hb Assessment date: 25-11-2012 Diagnostic statement (PES): Excess fluid volume related to compromised regulatory mechanism secondary to end-stage renal failure as evidence by peripheral edema and patient’s weight gained from 69.8kg to 73.6kg within 4 days.
|Assessment |Nursing Diagnosis |Goals & Expected Outcomes |Nursing Interventions |Rationales |Methods of Evaluation |
|Subjective data: |Problem: |Goals: |Ongoing assessments |1a) Weight client daily can monitor trends|1. Keep checking on the |
|The client claimed her weight started to gain |Excess fluid volume |The client will exhibit decreased |Record 24hrs intake and output balance. |to evaluate interventions.( Lewis& Sharon |change of client’s weight.|
|quickly 2 weeks before admission. | |edema on peripheral. |Weigh at 0600 and 1800 daily |Mantik., 2011) | |
| |Etiology: | | |b) Monitor IO chat can determine effect of|2. Assess the client’s |
|The client reported of taut and shiny skin appeared |related to compromised | |Therapeutic interventions |treatment on kidney function( Lewis& |edema condition every day |
|on the limbs and face. |regulatory mechanism |Expected outcomes: |Introduce the needs for low...