1. Looking at your Nutrient Reports, which three (3) foods contributed most to your protein intake? For combination foods, name specific ingredient(s). Example: If you ate pizza, the cheese in the pizza is the ingredient that contributed most to your protein intake.
Milk, ham and pork
2. Looking at your Nutrient Reports, which three (3) foods contributed most to your total fat intake? For combination foods such as sandwiches, salads, casseroles, etc., name the specific ingredients. Example: If you ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, the peanut butter is the item that contributes to your fat intake.
Ham, bacon and milk
3.Looking at your Nutrient Reports, which three (3) foods contributed most to your saturated fat intake? For combination foods, specify specific ingredient(s).
Ham, milk and pork
4. Looking at your Nutrient Reports, which three (3) foods contributed the most to your cholesterol intake. For combination foods, name specific ingredient(s).
Chocolate, ham and eggs
5. Taking a look at your MYPLATE Nutrient Reports and Food Groups and Calories Reports, select three of the following nutrients (protein, carbohydrate, fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, fiber, and/or omega-3 fatty acids) and discuss whether your overall diet was high, low, or on target. Which foods contributed to your being on target for each nutrient or not on target? If you were not on target, which foods could/would you increase or decrease to get on target? Be sure to mention at least THREE nutrients in your response.
1. Carbohydrate: my overall diet was on target. Chocolate cake, sushi with vegetable and seafood, apple juice, rice, Pepsi, sandwich, hamburger, milk, pasta, quiche, orange juice, french fries, apple, watermelon, grapes and lettuce contributed to be on target.
2. Fat: my overall diet was on target. Quiche, sandwich, milk, hamburger, french fries, pizza, chocolate cake, omelet, chicken wings, pasta and sushi contributed to be...