
An analysis of a 24 dietary recall

Client details

Age 31

Sex: Female

Height: 5’ 6”

Weight: 11 stone 7 pounds

Background information

The client is a mother of 3 children, 2 boys and 1 girl, the children are of relatively self sufficient age and can do a lot of things themselves such as walking to school and preparing their own food. The client does however, still perform jobs around the house such as the ironing, washing clothes, vacuuming and other typical household jobs and as a single parent these jobs are performed solely by the client. The client has been a parent since finishing school and has found it hard to maintain any routine of physical activity and exercise. The client owns their own salon and is currently the main employee working in the salon does not require the client to be very active as the job is mainly sitting down painting nails or plucking eyebrows etc. . . .   However the maintenance of the premises such as dusting, general cleaning and replenishing stock may help increase the client’s physical activity levels. Recently the client has taken up walking a 3 mile round trip in the evenings 5 days a week and is looking to start using the local gym.

When analysing a person’s diet there are certain key areas that need to be highlighted, such as calorie intake, nutrients, water, fats and so on... So to break it down into a simpler form, the client’s dietary analysis can be found in table format (See Appendix 1) toward the back of this report. The table shows clearly the total intake of each particular nutrient. The information shown on the second table (Appendix 2) is the recommended daily allowance (RDA) Vs the actual nutrient intake of the client.

Perhaps second to the ‘calorie’ in terms of the general knowledge of food is proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Many people are made aware of these nutrients due to particular diets such as that of Dr Atkins() who prescribed a low carbohydrate, high fat intake during stages of...