Nvq 3 Unit 22



*national health service and Community Care Act 1990,Disability Discrimination Act 2005,Equality Act 2010,Disability Equality Duty 2006
*policies of the organisational kind are:Department of Health 2001 (a new strategy for learning disability for the 21st century like valuing people

*covert discrimination,overt discrimination,harassment,rights,labelling,vulnerbility,stereotyping,inclussion,prejudice,empowerment,abuse,opportunity and equality

*an incomlete or state of arrested of the mind,an individual with LD has significant impairment of intellectual function,stages can range from mild,moderate,severe and profound

*It can be:unknown factors,environmental,before,during and after birth,chromosomal and genetic factors.Others can include:being intellectually impaired like:dyslexia,visual processing disorder,social or adaptive dysfunction,early onset,dysgraphia,dyscalculia

*person centred approac,medical,inclusivity,socia,community integration
among people with LD in about 50% of cases has been unknown.Significant amount can be because of environmental and genetic factors even though diagnosed genetic causes have been foun in only 5% of people in this category.Higher rates in some social classes shows that factor as powerty,overcrowding are also importan.There can oaso be organic causes such as exposure to alcohol and drugs prior to a birth.In people with severe or profound LD unknown cases are fewer but still high around 25%

*can be very challenging involving pactical and emotional issues.There are medical and educational decision which can be very demanding,hard,financial pressures,lack of time are all additional responsibilities for parents.Parents can go through all kind of emotions like being concern,disappointment,anger,blame

*Prior to the Community Care Act 1990 adults and children with learning disability were cared for in large institutions where their basic needs were met but...