Nvq Level 3 Helath and Social Help for Unit 15

1 Understand the different responsibilities relating to health and safety in social care settings

1.1 Identify legislation relating to health and safety in a social care setting

Current legislation and subsequent amendments may include: 
 Health & Safety at Work Act
The Management of Health & Safety Work Regulations   
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) 
Manual Handling Operations Regulations   
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR)
Personal Protective equipment regulations

1.2 Explain how health and safety policies and procedures protect those in social care settings  

Policies and procedures may include agreed ways of working as well as formal policies and procedures

Protection may include identifying: 
The significant risks 
Control measures for hazards  
Arrangements for reporting accidents or health problems 
Arrangements for first aid, fire and emergencies 
Arrangements for communicating health and safety

1.3 Compare the differences in the main health and safety responsibilities of: 
The social care worker 

Responsibilities of the social care worker may include:   
To take reasonable care for own and others’ health and safety 
To report to employer potential and actual hazards and risks 
To take part in health and safety training 
To understand and comply with health and safety instructions and procedure

The employer or manager 

Responsibilities of the employer or manager may include: 
To provide a safe place of work 
To assess risks and take action to reduce them 
To provide information, instruction, training and supervision 
To provide safety signs 
To provide adequate welfare and first aid facilities  

Others in the social care setting
Others may include: 
Team members 
Other colleagues 
Those who use or commission their own health or social care services 