
CU1515 - Introduction to communication

1.1 To express needs,wants, wishes,   to express feelings, to build relationships,socialise, to ask questions
1.2 Effective communication has to be clear, concise, accurate, non-judgmental, and informative. This reduces the possibility of mistakes being made, and ensuring appropriate care service
1.3 To see   if   they are understanding what you have to say.   Their   looks may tell you they are not the least bit interested in what you have to say. You have to pay attention how they react.
2.1 I can find out an individual’s preferred communication methods by: reading their care plan, ask relatives, ask colleagues
3.1   Barriers can be; health issues, emotional difficulties, sensory barriers, different languages, using jargon,lack of literacy skills
3.4 Speech and language services, Interpreting services, Translation services, Advocacy services
4.1   Confidentiality means not sharing information about people without their knowledge and agreement, and ensuring that written and electronic information cannot be accessed or read by people who have no reason to see it.
4.3 If there is a risk of danger or harm to the client, or other people, if abuse is suspected, in respect of care of a client, information need to be passed on to others
4.4 I would   seek advice and support from   Team leader, Care manager or senior colleagues in case when i may consider   breaking confidentiality

CU1515 - Introduction to communication
Case History
When I worked with person who is verbal, i saw that person was becoming, suddenly, anxious. The person was puting there hands on the chest and breathing hard. I asked the person a few simple questions about the situation and offer some help, but the person didnt want to comunicate. I informed immediately my team leader about   the situation. We called the emergency service and they took that person in hospitol. I went as well to help....