Obesity is what I picked because it is something I see everyday everywhere I go. The constructs of SCT include Reciprocal Determinism, Outcome Expectations, Self-Efficacy, Collective Efficacy, Observational Learning, Incentive Motivation, Facilitation, Self Regulation, and Moral Disengagement.
- Reciprocal determinism deals with environmental factors that can potentially influence behavior. Many people have unhealthy lifestyles for various reasons. It can be because of they way he/she were raised, the physical environment my only offer fast food as a choice to eat rather than a place that offers healthy place. Many people may be depressed and eat to try to satisfy their boredom or feelings.
- Outcome expectations are the beliefs of the consequences surrounding choices. Many people know that fast food is and not exercising will make them obese and eventually lead to heart disease. However I believe that many people don’t think it could happen to them even though they know that heart disease is a factor of obesity.
- Self-efficacy is the belief in ones ability to complete a certain tasks. Some people believe they can overcome obesity and do. However may people diet and eat right for a few days and then go back to their old lifestyle.
- Collective efficacy could be the collective support of a group of people that have unhealthy behaviors and provide moral support through discussions about a specific person’s problem.
- Observational learning is learning something that is learned by seeing and observing others. Children watch their parents and usually pick up on parents eating habits. It is important to keep a proper diet for yourself and children. Children only know what they are taught, observe, and hear. Unhealthy eating habits by parents usually rub off on the children.
- Incentive Motivation is rewarding your self for changing an unwanted behavior. A person can do this by sticking to a certain diet and maybe one time a week reward themselves by...