Ocr Diploma Assessment Vocabulary

OCR Diploma Level 7                                                               Joanne Hayward

Assessment is a complex and emotive area of study.
There are many reasons for assessment and much debate about the need for it.
These ideas aside, it is essential that when using the tools of assessment explored upon this course that we clearly understand the types of assessment we use and the ‘language of assessment’. This will not only inform the assessor of their students’ strengths and weaknesses but will enable the assessor to make informed judgements when selecting assessments and reporting to a variety of audiences. Ellington (1999) and Race (1995) both advocate that the most important thing that teachers do for their students is assess their performance.
Many of the assessments that are available are derived from the United States of America. The adage of, ‘two nations divided by a common language ‘ can at times ring true in this area.

Assessment Vocabulary
Bias in testing
The content of the test should represent the experiences and values of all groups taking the test (a test should not contain vocabulary, pictures or stories that are unfamiliar to certain populations taking the test)
Scores on norm referenced tests
Scores on a norm referenced test indicate how an individual student has performed compared to students of the same academic year or age levels who are in the norm sample.
Raw scores represent the number correct on the test
Raw scores are then converted into derived scores which can be used for interpreting the student's performance
Derived scores can be reported as standard scores, reading grade scores, percentiles, normal curve equivalents, and stanines.
Many scores are based on a normal curve distribution of scores (the hump or where most of the scores fall)
The highest point on the curve is the mean or average point

Validity refers to whether a test measures what it is supposed to measure
There are two types of...